Mobile Phone Questionnaire Examples

One of the biggest advantages to mobile marketing is that it’s non-intrusive. In most cases, people have freely given their permission to allow businesses to contact them on their mobiles (e.g. sms surveys), and are therefore much quicker to respond. In addition, more people own mobile phones than desktops or laptops – especially in the emerging markets of developing countries – so mobile marketing is mass communication made easy. Mobile questionnaires are also useful for businesses wanting to run an online survey: It ensures that the survey is optimised for mobile phones and is essential to increasing the number of responses they’re likely to get.

For more on how to maximise the benefits of mobile questionnaires, please fill out the form at the top of this page and Expert Market UK will contact you with more information.

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Tip #1: Define your goals

By pinpointing exactly what your objectives are, you’ll be able to refine and ask the right questions. This will ensure that participants finish the questionnaires as quickly as possible, and enable researchers to gather the relevant information.

For example, a questionnaire to boost attendance for an upcoming event will be completely different to one trying to win back clients who’ve cancelled their subscriptions.

Tip #2: Design it with mobile in mind

Remember that people on different devices will read the questionnaires differently. By using larger fonts; thinking about scale (i.e. will the questionnaire automatically scale itself down to fit the size of the screen?); and using a minimal number of images; you will ensure that your questionnaire loads quickly, and will be easy for participants to read and complete.

Tip #3: Keep it specific

Don’t alienate or bore your audience by using complicated language or industry specific lingo. For example, ‘web content’ can mean a number of different things, so be specific and use terminology such as ‘music’, ‘blogs’, or ‘video’ instead.

Tip #4: Use a template

There are many online ‘question banks’ that can be used as templates to source pre-written questions that can be modified for specific purposes. The benefit of this approach is that users can search for the most frequently asked questions according to different categories, with every question and response having been written to reduce bias.

Tip #5: Avoid leading questions

While it might be tempting for some market researchers to phrase questions in such a way as to achieve the results they would like to see, this produces inaccurate results, and can negatively influence measures taken as a result.

Questions such as ‘Many people complain that download times for XYZ software are too long, are you one of them?’ is a perfect example of a leading question. Not only is it making an assumption, but it’s also leading participants to respond in a certain way.

Tip #6: Avoid double barrelled questions

Compound questions (i.e those containing and/or) that ask about two different issues are also to be avoided. For example, ‘Do you think washing powder should be biodegradable and come in tablets?’

Combining two different issues makes it unclear what exactly is being asked, so should be split into separate questions (i.e. Do you thing washing powder should be biodegradable? Do you thing washing powder should come in tablets?) in order to avoid confusion and get the correct responses to each separate issue.

Tip #7: Keep it short

Remember that consumers, especially mobile ones, have short attention spans, so design surveys that take mobile respondents into consideration. Some software for web survey and questionnaire creation allows users to turn off questions for mobile and come back when they’re on a desktop device, or when they have more time.

For more tips on how to create questionnaires for mobile, please fill out the form at the top of this page, and Expert Market UK will contact you with more suggestions.

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Aimee profile image
Aimee is Expert Market’s resident telephone systems and point of sale go-to. If she’s not writing about business products, you’ll find her daydreaming about dog walking on Dorset beaches.